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Showing posts from December, 2018

10 arrested, four injured as political gathering turns riotous in Jigawa

The Police in Jigawa said they had arrested 10 suspected political thugs for fighting after a political gathering in Gwaram Local Government Area of the state turned riotous. The Police Public Relations Officer for the command in the state, SP Abdu Jinjiri, who confirmed the arrest in an interview with the  News Agency of Nigeria  in Dutse on Tuesday, said that four others were injured during the fight. “We have arrested 10 suspects for fighting after a political gathering in Gwaram town yesterday. “Adequate security was provided for the gathering; however, after the event, thugs began to fight during which four persons were injured,” he said. The Police image maker warned that the Police would not tolerate any act capable of disrupting public peace in the state. According to him, investigation into the cases was ongoing, adding that afterwards, the suspects would be charged to court.

2019: Fr. Mbaka under attack over comment on Atiku, Peter Obi

The Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has come under attacks over his latest prediction on the fate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar and his running mate, Peter Obi in the 2019 election. Mbaka had during Sunday thanksgiving service  predicted failure for the flag bearers of the PDP: Atiku and Obi. In a viral video from the service, Mbaka berated Atiku’s running mate, Peter Obi, for not doing a project for his church, warning him of the consequences. Fr. Mbaka curiously withheld Obi’s blessing and said he would only release it after Obi had done a project for the church. The fiery priest said: “My brother and Governor, stand before all of us and tell what you want to do for God.” Responding, Obi said: “Father, what I said is straightforward. You will come and show me the project so that the two of us will talk. That is what I said.” Mbaka then accused the former governor